Here are some more pictures from Downtown Jackson this past week.
This is a super cool fire hydrant (I assume that's what it is?) that I found on Amite. It caught my eye from down the street. It's certainly one of the most unusual fire hydrants that I have ever seen.
And the dripping pipe next to it...
Later on our walk, Courtney found one parking meter downtown that was different than the others. All of the expired meters said "expired" or "-0:00," but not this one....
Here are the walls by the train station with ivy growing all over them. Every other wall seemed to be overtaken by ivy.
Finally, the Standard Life Building. There's something really cool about this building, and I took lots and lots of pictures of it.
That's all that I'm going to post for now. Hopefully, this weekend I'll be able to go a visit a few places around town that I've been looking forward to visiting. So there will be many more to come!